Every year our short-term teams serve the global church and provide opportunities for you to get to grips with God’s heart for mission.

Activities range from delivering Bibles into restricted access areas to encouraging the church in cities, jungles or the Himalayas!

Applications for our Summer 2024 teams have now closed. To receive information about future trips, sign up for our emails at the bottom of this page or follow us on social media.

What previous team members said

“I have been in such awe of the Christians in this part of the world: the strength of their faith, the work they do and how they live out Matthew 28:18-20. Their dependence on the Lord and the way they seek him so consistently is humbling and challenging. I for one am definitely challenged to take an honest and thorough look at my life and how I live it and make some changes for the better, for God.”


“God has challenged me a lot throughout these two weeks. I feel like my eyes are open to what global mission really is. Being out here on a small team and doing only a small bit and seeing all the work that still has to be done made me wonder why we all don’t consider it. God tells us that the gospel should be spread throughout the world, and that we should be true servants of that challenged me and made me really think about it.”
