HistoryMakers is the youth ministry of AsiaLink, helping young people engage with God’s great global mission.

As a ministry of AsiaLink, HistoryMakers is here to inspire bold action in support of God’s great global mission.

We passionately advocate for the unreached people of Asia and take decisive action to further the spread of the gospel across the continent. We do this by providing Scripture, supporting gospel workers and acting against poverty and injustice. Through each strand of our ministry, we see the power of Jesus transforming lives in Asia.

You too have a part to play.

Age doesn’t matter.


HistoryMakers and AsiaLink are gospel-minded Christians organisations,
committed to the teachings of the Bible and the mission of Jesus Christ.

HistoryMakers and AsiaLink are gospel-minded Christian organisations, committed to the teachings of the Bible and the mission of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is Lord and the only Saviour of men and women. He is both fully God and fully man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, He lived a sinless life and His death on the cross as our substitute makes full atonement for our sin. He was raised from the dead and ascended into heaven where he intercedes for the church. He will return in glory as the Judge of all the World.

The Holy Spirit regenerates lost and sinful people, enabling them to be saved. Salvation comes by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

The Holy Spirit dwells within believers, enabling them to live godly lives and to serve the Lord in the power of the Spirit.

There is one God, who eternally exists in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The saved will be resurrected to eternal life with God and unbelievers will be punished in Hell for eternity.

By personal faith in Christ, all believers are joined to Him spiritually and together comprise the Body of Christ.